Guest House

Homes staged by Guest House sell 40% faster. Instead of combing through a warehouse, they source from the community, and your listing will be assigned a professional interior designer. That means, with Guest House, you get the highest-quality furniture, art, and goods – all designed by local makers in Colorado.

What’s more is that Guest House and the featured makers will work tirelessly to promote your listing to their networks to help generate attention and showings!

Your Listing as a Marketplace

It's easier to shop for home goods when you can see them inside actual homes.


Beautifully Photographed Homes

Talented photographers and interior designers manage your entire project.


How to Stage a Listing on Guest House

  1. Once you feel informed about the process, visit our portal to start a quote - link

  2. Interior designers will stage with local makers & brands to compliment the home

  3. Professional photographer will get high-res images of the homes and the products

  4. The listing will get promoted by Guest House, the makers, and West + Main

  5. Coordinate open houses, virtual tours, and special events and impress your client!


Get Started with Guest House Staging

  1. Check out a recently sold listing from one of our agents to see a real example - link

  2. Review the product sales pages that accompany your listing on Guest House - link

  3. Watch the Company Update call where we announced the partnership - link

  4. Search Slack for reviews and connect with colleagues and managers with questions

  5. Promote with your potential sellers using images and PDF to generate interest

  6. Visit our portal on Guest House to begin a conversation and start a quote - link