HOSTED BY: REcolorado
WHEN: Thursday | January 12, 2023 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
WHERE: Virtual, hosted through Zoom
WHY: Properties that are closed off the MLS can have a major impact on our ability to fully understand what is happening in the real estate market. In this class students will learn about those impacts, how they play a part and the Closed Off MLS option REcolorado offers. Students will learn about the rules that apply to Closed Off MLS properties and when it is appropriate use. Students will learn how to access resources about Closed Off MLS as well as additional listing status and input information. They will learn the difference between a traditional listing path (Active>Pending>Closed) and Closed Off MLS. This class will also review how to input a Closed Off MLS property and how to conduct a search for Closed Off MLS properties.