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ULI Blueprint for Green Real Estate – Webinar Series


ULI Blueprint for Green Real Estate – Webinar Series

This four-session educational series is presented in one-hour topical segments by the ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance.

With the increasing public focus on climate change and its impacts, new policies affecting building energy performance, and pressure from investors, real estate organizations recognize the strong business case for incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their normal business operations. In addition, strong returns from utility savings, tenant demand, new opportunities to access capital, and other value-creation opportunities are spurring investment in sustainability and energy efficiency.

Building on the leading sustainability work that Greenprint member organizations have been implementing since 2009, ULI Greenprint developed The ULI Blueprint for Green Real Estate to support real estate owners and investors looking to develop or accelerate a sustainability program.

Join ULI Greenprint and ULI experts for a series of webinars that aim to shift real estate portfolios toward net-zero energy, water, and waste in a way that creates both short- and long-term financial value. Similar to the Blueprint report, the webinars are laid out to support a firm’s sustainability lead in building a holistic program from the ground up, starting with data collection and building a team, to addressing topics like climate adaptation and resilience, health and wellness, and social impacts.

This four-session educational series is presented in one-hour topical segments by the ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance.

Included Sessions:

  • January 22, 12:00-1:00pm ET, Building the Foundation of a Sustainability Program

  • February 26, 12:00-1:00pm ET, Best Practices in Sustainable New Construction

  • March 19, 12:00-1:00pm ET, Financing and Implementing Quick Sustainability Wins and Deep Green Retrofits in Existing Buildings

  • April 23, 12:00-1:00pm ET, The Evolution of Sustainability Programs: From Energy Efficiency to Health, Resilience, and Zero