5 Must-Haves Before Starting on Your Home Addition


Building a home can be a fun, exciting project that offers many benefits upon completion, but it takes a lot of forethought and planning to ensure a successful build.

You may be ready to dive right into your home addition project, but there are a few things you'll need before you can begin. Here are five things you absolutely must have before starting your home addition.

A Budget
Building an addition is not cheap. You should carefully plan and budget for all expenses before starting on the project. If you are working with a contractor, they should be able to provide you with an estimate. It's also important to evaluate hidden costs and set aside adequate funds. Things like plumbing, electrical wiring and permits may not be included in the estimate.

A Floor Plan
You can't begin an addition without a floor plan. Specialists like ADU floor plans allow you to design an addition that complies with all the rules and regulations. Your plan will serve as a roadmap for the entire project, so it's one of the first things you should obtain when you decide to build.

The Right Contractor
Your contractor can make or break your home addition project, so it's important to pick the right one. Your contractor should be properly licensed and insured for your area, and they should have a solid, positive reputation. Take your time to research the contractor online, obtain references from their previous clients and compare their quote with other companies.

Proper Permits and Inspections
Permits and inspections can be costly and difficult to obtain, but you can't legally build an addition without them. Some permits have to be purchased upfront, while others must be obtained at various project checkpoints. It's important to research the permits and inspections you'll need so you can budget your resources accordingly. Failure to comply with these rules can result in an unsafe structure and legal repercussions.

A Timeline for Your Project
A timeline for your project is almost as vital as the floor plan. Building an addition is a huge time commitment, so it is incredibly important for you and your contractor to stay on schedule. A timeline will keep the project moving along quickly so it doesn't drag on forever.

Building an addition on your home requires careful planning in multiple areas. When you take the time to budget, plan and hire the right people, you can ensure your addition will be finished on time without any major problems.

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