Art Inspirations: Phillip Faulkner

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Artist: Phillip Faulkner
Instagram: @faulkner_phillip

Phillip Faulkner’s artistic inquiry spans visual mediums, but the one formal constant is an embrace of collage philosophy. He produces work that melds the digital and tangible, bridges technology and tradition, and attempts to create imagery that is both new and nostalgic.


Tell me about yourself?
I am an image maker and art educator based in Denver, CO. My creative practice employs digital and analog techniques, and my output can best be described as collage. My work has been exhibited nationwide at institutions including Center for Visual Arts [Denver, CO.], Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts [Omaha, NE.], VersionFest [Chicago, IL], GOCA [Colorado Springs, CO], Michigan Technological University [Houghton, MI], St. Michael’s College [Colchester, VT], and Marymount California University [San Pedro, CA]. I currently teach Digital Art & Design to the great students at Denver Center for International Studies - Montbello. 

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What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
A professor of mine once said Artists are qualified to do nothing, and everything at the same time. That really stuck with me, and validated the unwarranted confidence I seem to always possess.


What do you like to do outside of work?
I love to play soccer. I have participated in the sport since I was very young, and it will forever be a passion of mine. In addition to playing, I coach my son’s youth team. 


Who/What are your biggest influences?
I have two influences. Artistically, I have always admired the work of Robert Rauschenberg. He pushed the definition of both painting and sculpture with his experimental techniques and hybrid artworks. The Museum of Outdoor Arts is currently hosting a large exhibition of his work, and I encourage everyone to go see it once their doors open again. My second influence is my Mother. She is a life long educator, and instilled in me the importance of curiosity and inquiry from an early age.


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