Back to School List for Remote Learning + Hybrid Students


Depending on your individual needs, and whether you’re remote learning or hybrid learning, we suggest the following definitive online school supply list so your kiddos are prepared to start the 2020-21 year off right!

A reliable computer and internet access

You’ll need a reliable computer that operates at a good speed and is able to handle a variety of different programs. This doesn’t mean you have to splurge on the latest and most expensive model, but you should be able to work with minimal issues. Your internet should also be reasonably fast and reliable, and it’s not a bad idea to come up with a few backup options for getting online if your primary connection is having issues.

A comfortable chair

Unlike in a traditional setting where students tend to move from one classroom to another, you may find you + your kids sitting in one spot for a while as you engage in online learning. With this in mind, everyone should have a comfortable chair that they can adjust to the right level to see their computer easily.

A separate workspace

Carve out a separate school area with a desk and room for your binders, textbooks and other items. This will help everyone focus and get down to work more easily than if they were working on a couch or bed.

Any necessary software

Avoid unnecessary stress by reading through school announcements, websites and emails and subscribing to any necessary programs or platforms ahead of time.

Earphones or earbuds

When listening to a lecture, the people around probably won’t want to hear it, whether you’re at home, in a library or at a coffee shop. Getting a set of earphones or earbuds will help ensure you don’t disturb those around you, and can also drown out outside noise to minimize distractions.

Printer and printer paper

Even though many assignments can be submitted online, you may want to print items for your records or to access offline. Printing a syllabus or checklist for each course and keeping it within easy reach also assists with organization.

Traditional school supplies

Much of your work will be done on the computer, but you’ll still want items such as pens, pencils, highlighters, binders and notebook paper on hand. Depending on the courses you take, you may also need to purchase textbooks and supplemental texts.

An online or paper calendar

Keeping track of daily assignments and ongoing deadlines throughout the semester is imperative to your online learning success. An online or old-school paper calendar will help you make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

A backpack

You may think you won't need a backpack for online school since you won't be going from classroom to classroom. However, owning a backpack with room for a laptop, books and other supplies will prove useful when you head to a study session with a classmate or move to another location for a change of scenery.

An abundance of patience

Teachers, administrators, school staff members, and students and their families are all going to be operating in a business-not-as-usual environment. Giving everyone some extra space + grace as school begins will go a long way toward making this academic year as productive and fulfilling as possible.

When in doubt, carve out some time to shut down the screens, get outside, and shake off the pressure and expectations - this too, shall pass, and all that really matters is your students’ well-being.

If you are in need of support, supplies or anything else, please reach out.
