Featured at West + Main Downtown Bend, Oregon: Kathleen Branch


Excited to hold our office open again on First Friday September the 2nd!

Please join us as we celebrate the night in our new downtown office and come meet our featured artist. You can purchase her works. We’ll have refreshments, swag, and friendly faces.

Stop by our Downtown Bend office to see some amazing art by Kathleen Branch!

Kathleen Branch

750 NW Lava Rd. Bend, OR 97703
9.2.2022, 5-9pm


Meet Kathleen!

As an artist I reimagine the Mid Century Modern style. I work with vintage colors and recreate woven textiles along with the geometric shapes as well as a blend of organic ones as well. All this defined with paint. I keep to the Minimalistic look, yet there is always an element layered into the composition, often another design motif. The paintings are always abstract in design, no defined subject matter. These vary in size in dimension often vertical or horizontal yet always a statement piece.


Learn more about Kathleen in our Q+A!

How did you arrive where you are today?

Previously before relocating to the Pacific Northwest I traveled with my paint brushes as a scenic artist. I created and painted scenery in the the opera/ ballet worlds as well as the film industry. As I worked with production designers it was so important that their vision was brought to a reality on the stage or in the camera lens. My painting techniques were varied based on the custom work that was created on large scale. Now that I have been here in Bend it seemed like a natural progression to paint my own passion working in Minimalism style, often known as Mid Century Modern.


What are you known for?

Everyday life influences me as a visual artist. I notice the symmetry or asymmetry of an object. I make notes of textures, colors and patterns. What are the shadows like? Are they more interesting that the actual shape of the object? I see how shapes interact with each other. From that moment I can get jump started on a new composition.


What are you currently working on?

This week I'm currently working on finishing up more paintings and working with a photographer so I can get digital images so prints can be available soon.


What do you like to do outside of work?

As far has who has influenced me I would refer to some of the Great Masters of Art. Mondrian, Kandisnsky, Rothko, Calder, just a few of my favorites whether it is their line work or a limited color palette.

Get in touch with Kathleen Branch

Website: kathleenbranch.com

Instagram: @kathleenbranch_artist

If you are a local artist/crafter/maker/indie business owner and would like to be featured on our blog, please fill out this form or contact Greg Fischer at greg@westandmainoregon.com with questions...we can't wait to learn all about you!