Find a Dog a Home: Meet Monty


Hi. I'm Monty! I'm a young guy learning the ropes and loving life. I love having fur friends to play with, and pets from hoomans are pretty cool too. I like to talk and sing, and I can't help but chase little fluffy bunnies. I still do some puppy things like puppy zoomies and chewing on weird stuff, but I'm growing and learning every day. My foster family says I'm becoming a very cool dude. If you think this cool dude is for you, then apply to adopt, me, Monty!

More About Me:

  • Breed: Siberian Husky Mix

  • Gender: Male

  • Color: Tri-colored

  • Age: 7 months

  • Weight: 40 lbs

  • Energy Level: Medium-High\

  • Medical: Monty needs to be on daily Prozac.

  • Location: Colorado

    Looking for the perfect dog for your home? Reach out to Maggie, she would be happy to make a rescue connection!