Find Joy on the Trails, Tread Lightly and Use Caution

Joy on the Trails is a blog series detailing all the incredible hiking trails within an hour of Denver. All the trails featured are accessible to anyone whether you’re new to hiking, or just wanting to get out without driving for hours into the mountains. I hope you uncover your own joy of hiking and I hope you’re inspired to try a few of my favorite trails. And if you’re so inclined, join me sometime… I’m out there a lot!

How to hike during a pandemic

In a million years I never thought I’d type those words! But here we are… asked to stay home for the good of our community. Here’s what you need to know about getting out and hiking.

As of now (end of March), Jefferson County Parks has not closed their trail system. According to their web site, they request people use extreme caution when using the bathrooms, and maintain distance while hiking. But here’s the thing… we ain’t got much else to do right now, y’all! So the trails are super crowded.

Plan to go super early in the day (brrrr) or later in the afternoon/evening. This is when the trails will be least crowded. Go pee at home so you don’t have to use the bathrooms. Bring snacks and enjoy a spot just off the trail for a break. Step aside when people are passing - and for the love of all that’s holy, say hello and smile! This isn’t end of days, my friends and it’s so important to treat each other with humanity.

Also, it’s mud season which means there will be sloppy spots on the trails. Check out the Jeffco Parks website HERE for trail closures before you leave. They make changes daily based on trail conditions. The rule is: walk THROUGH the mud. I know this sucks and your shoes will get muddy, but it is very important not to widen the trail by walking around the mud. 

And a final note. Do NOT leave the county and start heading for the high country. We are asked to stay away from mountain towns because their hospital systems can not handle an outbreak of this virus. I’m just as stir crazy as you are, and a weekend in a little VRBO sounds amazing, but now is definitely not the time.

Hang in there… enjoy the outdoors for your mental and physical health. This too will end and we’ll be back on the trails hiking together soon.