How to Prevent Overwatering Your Indoor Plants This Winter

All of that time spent indoors can lead to giving your plants too much attention!

Plant care can be tricky. Not only do you have to factor in the specific plant’s needs, but you have to consider external factors like seasonal changes—even if you keep your plants indoors. During the winter, there’s one unexpected mistake you might be making: overwatering your plants. 

“Overwatering is one of the most common causes of moldy soil in houseplants,” says Richard Cheshire, a plant doctor for the online plant store Patch Plants. “In wintertime, it is essential to change how often we water our plants as most of them stop growing and some even hibernate.”

While you might think the heat of the summer months would mean your plants are more prone to overwatering, winter is a big factor because people spend more time indoors—meaning they can end up giving their indoor plants too much attention. To avoid overwatering your plants, Cheshire has a few tips you can follow:

Do the finger dip test.

"Dip your finger up to your second knuckle; if your finger stays dry and clean, then it’s time to water," Cheshire explains. "Ideally, only water your plants when the top two inches of soil feel dry." If you're caring for cacti or succulents, he recommends only watering when the soil is completely dry. 

Avoid repotting plants directly into decorative pots.

It's best to keep your plant in a pot that has good drainage holes at the bottom. "Many decorative pots do not have proper drainage holes, making the plant more prone to overwatering," Cheshire points out. If you want to use a decorative pot, it's bets to get one that has enough room for a smaller pot with your plant in it.

Make sure excess water can drain off.

When watering your plants, make sure there's a way for the excess water to escape through the pot's drainage holes. Cheshire recommends watering your plant in a sink or bathtub to let the excess drain before putting it back in a decorative pot. You can also place the plant in a pot with a saucer to catch the excess.

Help air circulation at the roots.

"For this, simply poke holes in the soil with a pencil or a long stick to help air circulate, but be careful not to damage the roots," Cheshire says.

Use a moisture meter.

If you want to really go all in, try using a moisture meter to monitor the amount of water in the soil. "They are also great to remind you when to water if you are a forgetful person," Cheshire explains. "These can range from inexpensive ones that change color when the soil’s too wet or dry to fancy ones with digital displays."

Use water dispensers.

"Dispensers move the problem to the root (pun intended)," Cheshire adds. "Just fill the bulbs with water, and let your plant drink what it needs."

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