Meet the Maker: Ashley Youngswick of Birdy Creative


Ashley Haas Youngswick is the Founder of Birdy Creative, her brainchild, born outside Denver, Colorado in 2020. 

Birdy Creative is a full-service event design studio with emphasis in art direction + special events. I have taken a U-turn during the pandemic and focused my creative abilities on promoting small and independent businesses with free creative photoshoots to help promote their businesses during this time.


Learn more about Ashley and her Business

How did your business come to exist?

After losing my job in May 2020 due to the pandemic, I decided to take the leap and start my own business. After months of planning and creating original content Birdy Creative was launched!

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What are you known for?

I am know for my unique approach to design, I love incorporating unexpected elements into my projects!


What are you working on right now?

Right now I am focusing on my "What Do You Bring To The Table?" project. During these uncertain times I have seen so many amazing people rise from the ashes and create new and exciting opportunities + projects for themselves, and even recreate the businesses that they already had established . I want to highlight these hardworking people and celebrate all that they are doing in these new times. At Birdy Creative we believe in celebrating others and working together to create something beautiful! I offer a free creative photoshoot for use on their social media and for marketing.


What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work my passions are being creative in other ways - I love to cook, garden, sew + ride around town on my moped!

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration everywhere! I love to vintage shop and I get a lot of my inspiration from the past and during my finds. I also get inspiration from colors and patterns, I love mixing unexpected colors together and coming up with something cool and unique!

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Get in touch with Ashley


Instagram: @birdycreativeco

Facebook: Birdy Creative Co


If you are a local artist/crafter/maker/indie business owner and would like to be featured on our blog, please fill out this form or contact Ashley at with questions...we can't wait to learn all about you!