Meet the Maker: Chelsea Morgan Swanson


Chelsea is currently showing at our office in Louisville!

“The work I have shown at the Louisville location is part of a series I made in the spring/summer of 2020. The title of the series is called More Than a Leap, More Than a Jump….

At the start of 2020 I took a leap for my biggest dream of becoming a full-time artist. It was big and it was blind. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I was forced to quite literally live with this decision, so I took this crisis and turned it into an opportunity that very spring and summer. When creating this series, I took time for myself and dug deep to create a conversation with my paint. Times of isolation taught me how to create boundaries in order to strengthen and take care of myself. This body of work was created in times of isolation but serenity. Loneliness but peace. I took time to sit with memories, emotions, trauma and shame that was holding me back. There were a lot of tears, but even more excitement and healing involved. Putting me, my goals, and my art first was certainly more than a leap, and it was definitely more than a jump. I am now rewarded with a twelve painting series and a better view of my higher self."

-Chelsea Morgan Swanson


Learn more about Chelsea and her art

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

"You don't owe anyone shit."

What was the best day at work you've had in the past three months?

If I'm being honest, this opportunity here. It truly means a lot to me as an emerging artist, and I am honored. I also got to work as a gallery attendant at the past opening of the new exhibition at MCA Denver. It was by far my most favorite shift there. I highly recommend checking it out.


What is your dream project?

My dream project is to make a mural. A lot of my favorite artists currently are mural artists, and I love the idea of having that much space and creating a loud and large statement. I love painting big.


What is your favorite part of your job?

Getting to say, "I'm an artist."

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in things that bring me nostalgia and make me happy. Food makes me happy, so sometimes I'll paint still lifes of food. I'm also a fan of making these little blind drawings things that make me happy or bring me or others nostalgia. My abstract paintings are filled with the most emotions, stories, and memories. Sometimes tears and trauma are involved but I'm an emotional person, and in the end it creates some beautiful work so it still makes me happy. I'm a crier.


Get in touch with Chelsea


Instagram: @cmswansonart


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