Meet the Maker: Julie Friedenberg


Meet Julie!

Spin in a circle as fast as you can -- then, stop. The vertigo of blurry shapes, and a graphic designer’s eye for composition were the inspiration behind ‘Paints in Circles.’ After spending many years living a nomadic traveling lifestyle, Julie now splits her time living in the mountains of Colorado and the city of San Francisco. A graphic designer by day, and a hula hoop hobbyist by night, Julie balances twirling bright shapes in inspiring configurations that feel energetic and alive.

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What are you known for?

Circles. It's my niche. Neon and metallic colors that fill only circles.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of my graphic design business, I like to hula hoop, roller skate and paint. All of it somehow involves twirling in circles!


Who/What are your biggest influences?

Mike Perry has been my hero for a long time now. His consistency in bright, curious colors and happy shapes always really inspires me. I sent him a cold-call email with a mural question to his website a few weeks ago. He personally called my cell# from the contact form, talked about mural supplies for 20 minutes and told me he just likes to share his knowledge when he can. It blew my mind. I hope I can be that cool one day.


If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?

I want to right away say invisible, but where would I go?! Also, can you imagine how quickly a person would get "cancelled" if they were caught being invisible in a place deemed inappropriate? So many things could go wrong. But flying.. flying doesn't really do it for me. I mean we can already fly! I guess I'll choose invisible and go watch some crazy wildlife.


Get in touch with Julie

Instagram: @paintsincircles



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