Meet the Maker: Scott Vo


Meet Scott

Photography has always been a passion of mine when I was young. My father had a film camera and I would volunteer to take the pictures on my family outings. '

I always wanted a camera for myself and always asked for one for any gift-giving occasion. I finally got one! I started with a tiny point-and-shoot I received for Christmas and fell in love with taking portraits.

I remember I had a crush on this girl and all I wanted was to take her portrait. Being a shy little boy, I managed to muster up my confidence and asked her if I can take a picture.

She said sure and I took a few simple photos of her. I was so excited and proud of myself! After the “photoshoot” was done, I tucked my camera into my backpack and went to lunch.

During lunch, all I could think about was going home to load the photos to the computer and practice editing. After lunch, I returned to the room. I was looking through my backpack to get my camera out so I can review the photos.

While my hopes were up, they quickly descended into that deep pit in my stomach. My camera was gone. Someone had stolen my precious camera and gone with it, my photos that I worked so hard to get.

I was heartbroken. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Granted, I was barely a teenager when this happened but I look back at that day and would say that was the moment I fell in love with photography.

I dabble in most mediums of art. Photography is by far my favorite medium. The photographs I capture are digital and film. I enjoy challenging myself with photography and that led into my underwater portrait series. The culinary arts is also a medium I enjoy. It’s the only art that nourishes. Beauty is all around us.

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What are you known for?

If it had to say what I am most known for, I would say my unique photographs. How often do photographers go underwater to photograph portraits?! I like to mix mediums with photography. Elaborate contraptions are made just for a photograph because what I need couldn't be bought. Sometimes when I envision a photograph, the hardest part is just planning the photoshoot!

What are you working on right now?

The current most stressful and demanding project right now is to get my studio up and running. The grand opening party is May 22, but there is a lot of detail work left to do!

STUDIO V 4229 Royal Ave Suite 106 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 I have a few pieces being featured at the Oklahoma Contemporary Museum this Summer that I am working on. It is an honor to be considered for that this year. I am quite anxious how this Summer will turn out.

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Who/What are your biggest influences?

I am absolutely floored by Annie Clark's (Known Professionally as singer/songwriter : St. Vincent) creative process. She is a huge influence in my life.The way she speaks, the way she presents herself, and her character on stage vs in person is just inspiring. AND she is from Tulsa, OK! A photographer that inspires me is Patrick Demarchelier. You may have heard his name in "The Devil Wears Prada" when Meryl Streep says, "Get me Patrick" to Anne Hathaway. I think his fashion work with Dior is just beautiful, classy, and simply elegant! I have an unhealthy collection of his works. I am a huge fan of Impressionist artists and Edgar Degas work inspires my work. There is just something about Impressionist's depictions of life that I find so beautiful and dreamy. We both have a fascination with the subject of dance.

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What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job is photographing someone that did not feel confident going into the photoshoot, and having him or her leave feeling empowered after seeing the results. Everyone is beautiful and a lot of people do not like their photos taken. I love working with people on portraits!

If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?

Neither! The superpower I wish for is the power to experience something all over again like it was the very first time. Rewatching a movie again but experiencing the emotions like it was the very first time again. Rereading your favorite book or even tasting my favorite dish again and experiencing it like it was the first time.

Get in touch with Scott

Instagram: @scottyvophoto

Facebook: Scott Vo’s Photography




Scott is showing in our OKC office this month! Come see his work at Art at the Market of June 4th!

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