Meet this Week's Featured Artist: Local Illustrator Amy Zhang


Artist/Colorado Creator: Amy Zhang
Instagram: @shopamyzhang

Amy Zhang is a Denver-based illustration studio specializing in pretty, witty greetings and gifts.


1) Tell me about yourself?

I am a Denver-based designer and illustrator, and I own a stationery company specializing in pretty, witty greetings and gifts! I’m a one-woman show, and I spend my days brainstorming punny phrases for my cards, painting the corresponding images (food is always my fave), and drinking way too much coffee. I’ve been in business for about 2 years now, and our products are carried in over 75 stores across the US and Canada — plus one store in Singapore! 

2) What are you working on right now?

I recently designed a collection of stickers for the first time, and now I can’t wait to create more of them! I also recently launched a Youtube channel to share a look at my day-to-day work in the studio.

3) Where do you find inspiration?

I always aim for my cards to capture the moods and interests of my audience, so I draw a lot of inspiration from the cultural phenomena that’s happening around me. Sometimes it’s a “big” thing like featuring more diversity, sometimes it’s a joke about La Croix. And the inspiration doesn’t necessarily have to be current — I’m constantly trying to create more work inspired by my love for all things 90s!

4) Given the current social distance expectations, what challenges have been presented in your business?

So many in-person events have been postponed or canceled, and a lot of the stores that carry my products have had to close their doors temporarily, which has definitely affected my sales. But I also consider myself pretty lucky, because I’m already set up to work from home, and my basically my entire business can run remotely. I’ve been focusing a lot of energy on reaching new people online, navigating new safety measures for shipping our orders, and most importantly, trying to give back to the community during this time of need — we are currently donating 25% of our proceeds to the DPS Food Security Fund in an effort to help feed vulnerable children and families around Denver.

5) What are your thoughts about Colorado’s creative scene for entrepreneurs?

I think it’s beyond wonderful. Not only are there so many people who appreciate the arts and support local creatives, but there’s also a great community of makers and artists who are all so supportive of one another. Plus, there are so many opportunities for us all to thrive — from awesome landscapes to draw inspiration from, to tons of cool in-person festivals and events that will hopefully be back in full swing in the not-too-distant future!