Minimalists Share the 4 Organization Rules They Live By

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When you picture a minimalist, what do you see? Is it someone who only dresses in neutral, coordinating colors?

A person who only owns one pair of shoes for each season? Someone who refuses to purchase unnecessary home decor or sentimental knick-knacks? It’s true that a minimalist could very well meet any of these descriptions (there are many ways to be a minimalist), but minimalism is, at its core, a lot simpler than any of that. Really, it’s all about mindset shifts.

Minimalism as a concept can often feel intimidating or even a little pretentious to some. But when you break it down to simple mindset shifts, it feels a little more accessible. One self-proclaimed minimalist, Carrie Reese, told me their approach to minimalism is simply governed by repeating the phrase “I have everything I need,” again and again — just five little words.

While cutting things back to the bare minimum when it comes to possessions is certainly not realistic for everyone, I assume you’re reading this because you want to start simplifying your life at least a little bit. Adopting a minimalist principle or two can be a gentle and gradual process that works to enhance the life you’re already living (yes, even if you want to own more than 10 pairs of shoes… for each season).

If you’re looking to learn about some other minimalist-approved life rules to bring into your own day-to-day schedule, here are nine places to start. 

“One In, Two Out” 

Sure, you might have heard of the one in, one out rule where you donate or get rid of one piece of clothing (or furniture, etc.) for every one you bring into your home. But have you considered the one in, two out version?

Carine Vinett, founder and CEO of Chic Shop, told me that living in a small space means it’s imperative that clutter isn’t building up over time. “I have a one in, two (or more) out rule,” Vinett said.  “I’m always going through my daughter Valentina’s clothes and toys, especially when the season’s change and around her birthday when I know there will be an influx of toys.”

Have a Yearly “Purge”

Self-proclaimed minimalist Megan Peterson keeps things organized in her home by having a yearly, top-to-bottom cleanout that she calls “the purge.”

Every year we do ‘the purge’ and systematically work through every room in the house to toss clutter, donate, or sell items we no longer use,” Peterson explained. Once the unnecessary items are gone, she and her partner “functionally organize whatever survives.” 

“A Place For Everything, and Everything in Its Place”

Ashley La Fond, an organization consultant for Open Spaces, told me that the phrase “a place for everything, and everything in its place” is her go-to organization rule when it comes to minimalism. 

“By making an intentional decision about where things should be stored, and giving everything a ‘place’ you no longer have to search for the belongings that you need, and it makes cleanup a breeze,” La Fond said. “Take this one step further, and store items where they are intended to be used. This makes completing tasks much more streamlined and efficient.” 

“Clear Surfaces, Clear Mind”

Is your brain feeling a little cluttered? Having more trouble focusing than usual? That messy desktop probably isn’t helping, according to La Fond. 

Clutter isn’t just seen, it’s felt. Keep your surfaces clean and free of any unnecessary items… to avoid distractions and the disorganization that creates mental clutter,” La Fond said. “Limit what you keep out to the things that you use daily — store everything else out of sight.”

Looking for an easy way to quickly declutter surfaces without getting rid of everything you own? La Fond suggested using a nesting tray or designated bin for every item in a certain area (say, a desk or a kitchen table). “If the container of choice starts to overflow, then you know it’s time to do an edit,” La Fond says. 

Want more minimalist tips? Read the full story here.

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