Oklahoma City now nation's 25th largest city

Oklahoma City now nation's 25th largest city

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Oklahoma City is now the 25th largest city in the United States, according to the latest annual population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The new figures show Oklahoma City has moved up six spots in the population rankings from the 31st spot it occupied in 2010, when the last 10-year census was done.

Oklahoma City's population has grown by more than 12% since that time, enabling it to pass Louisville, Memphis, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Portland and Las Vegas in the population rankings.

Oklahoma City now has an estimated 655,057 people.

"To have finally arrived in the Top 25 is obviously a major milestone for our city," said Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt. "People vote with their feet and your population growth is sort of the ultimate judgment of how well you're doing as a city — whether you're a place where people to desire to live in and work in.

"We've been moving in the right direction for a good two decades now, and it's always nice for us when these numbers come out because it's usually a validation that what we're doing is working. People want to live here and they're moving here."

Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a thorough count of the nation's population. That 2020 census is not yet complete, but the bureau has completed its annual estimates of city populations.

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