Searching for Homes While Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

The Real Estate market has not come to a screeching halt due to Coronavirus precautions and warnings, but it’s important to be diligent if you are searching for a home while the risk is present.

To help with this process, here are some ways you as a home buyer can keep yourself and others safe during the buying process.

Only tour properties if you feel healthy.

Discuss your recent travel history with your agent, especially if you’ve recently been out of the country.

Ask your agent to show you the property instead of attending an open house.

Drive separately from your agent to the property.

Be considerate of the seller’s home and wash or sanitize your hands before entry, touching as little as necessary. While many sellers will likely provide it, bring your own hand sanitizer and use before and after you tour the home.

Ask your agent to confirm with the seller’s agent that they have not recently been sick or in contact with someone suspected of having COVID-19.

Sellers often ask you to take off your shoes when you tour their home or wear protective booties that have been provided. Consider bringing your own booties and throwing them away when you’ve finished touring.

Reduce the amount of time spent with other people in the same room. This “social distancing” practice can curb person-to-person spread.

Do not tour homes if you are currently self-quarantined because of illness or other reasons, you should not tour homes in person.

Do not view homes when you’re sick, feeling like you’re about to be sick, or getting over an illness.

We do not recommend touring homes after returning from international travel or travel that exposed you to a large group of people in close quarters, like large events.

Alternatively, ask your agent to video chat with you while they tour homes you are seriously considering buying so you can see them virtually.

If you have questions or concerns, let us know.