Spring cleaning in 2022: 3 methods designed to declutter your home and mind


With spring fast approaching, it’s understandable that many of us want to get our homes and minds as clear as possible – and these decluttering techniques are designed to help.

It might not feel like it now, but we’re rapidly speeding towards spring – which is, famously, considered to be a time of renewal.

It’s around this time that many of us will be hit by the sudden urge to declutter our homes, but it can be difficult to know where to begin, especially when you suddenly realise just how much stuff you truly own.

How, then, should we go about getting rid of things we no longer need? Why, by striving to make our home environment an extension of who we are and opting for a meditative decluttering method, of course. 


In Japan, there is a practice called oosouji, which literally means “big cleaning.”

According to Ayin, this is usually conducted at the end of each year or school term, and it asks people to not just sweep away dust but to clean away the negative energy of the past. 

In doing so, the hope is that they will declutter their homes, hearts and minds ready for the new year ahead.

How to cultivate oosouji in your home:

  • As per Ayin, we must always start the oosouji ritual by the entrance of each room and “work our way clockwise to end where we started, with a fresh state-of-mind.”

  • Work from the top of the house and downwards (begin by dusting off the ceilings, and so on).

  • Focus on removing all stains from furniture and homeware (they are said to “remind you of the past in a negative way”).

  • Place boxes in all rooms for items that are no longer needed. When you’re done, drop these boxes of at a charity shop.

  • Set one box aside for rubbish, too, and be sure to remove it immediately whenever you finish with a room.


The FlyLady technique – so named due to founder Marla Cilley’s love of fly fishing – works by breaking all household tasks into small, manageable increments.

However, it also works as a self-love exercise – which is why it has been retroactive rechristened the “Finally Loving Yourself (FLY)” technique. 

How to cultivate the FlyLady technique in your home:

  • As previously reported by Stylist, the technique starts with “babysteps”, some 31 small things that can be done around the house every week in order to build up your decluttering habit. Breaking it up into smaller duties makes it more manageable, says FlyLady, providing you with a sense of peace.

  • Separate your home into five different zones. The first week of the month is dedicated to zone one. Set aside 15 minutes a day to eliminate any clutter that has accumulated throughout your home. Repeat with zone two the following week, and so on until the month is complete.

  • Ensure you are only cleaning for 15 minutes at a time, and be sure to use a timer to keep track. This should not be a rushed and stressful process.

The KonMari method

The KonMari Method is Marie Kondo’s minimalist-inspired approach to tackling your stuff category-by-category rather than room-by-room.

The aim? To be left with a home filled with items that “spark joy.” 

How to cultivate the KonMari method in your home:

  • As per Marie Kondo’s website, we must begin the process by committing ourselves to tidying up.

  • Imagine your ideal lifestyle and keep that in mind throughout; anything that won’t help you on this journey isn’t deserving of your space or you.

  • Remember, it’s only after you’ve discarded can you turn your full energy and attention to that which brings you joy. Go through and get rid of items you no longer need or cherish, and remember to do so with gratitude.

  • Tidy by category – clothes, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items) and then sentimental items – not location. And always, always follow this order.

  • Create an environment that makes you happy by going through all items and asking if they spark joy. Of course, joy looks different to everyone; however, Kondo herself describes it on her website as “a little thrill, as if the cells in your body are slowly rising.

For even more cleaning methods, visit Stylist UK.

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