West + Main Homes at KIDS Center Healing Hearts Luncheon


West + Main Homes was honored to attend the KIDS Center Healing Hearts Luncheon, an inspiring event that brings together the Central Oregon community to raise awareness and vital funds for children and families impacted by abuse.

Samantha Osborne, a dedicated West + Main Homes agent, took on the important role of Table Captain sponsor at the event, inviting nine guests to join her in support of the KIDS Center's mission. By expanding the circle of support, Samantha helped raise community awareness about child abuse and the invaluable services provided by the KIDS Center.

Held every April as part of the Blue Ribbon Campaign to prevent child abuse, the Healing Hearts Luncheon is a that educates attendees on the vital services provided by KIDS Center, such as comprehensive child abuse evaluations, family advocacy, and mental health services. The event also teaches guests how they can help protect children in their own lives.

In addition to Samantha, the dynamic trio of John Furrow, Laura Hughes, and Jaida Ball, collectively known as That Furrow Crew, also served as Table Captains at the Healing Hearts Luncheon. Their contributions were crucial in ensuring the event's success, and their unwavering dedication to the cause is genuinely worthy of admiration.

We are incredibly proud of Samantha Osborne, John Furrow, Laura Hughes, and Jaida Ball for their dedication and active involvement in such a meaningful event. Their participation as Table Captains at the Healing Hearts Luncheon reflects the commitment of West + Main Homes agents to the wellbeing of children and families in our community.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making the Healing Hearts Luncheon a success! Other West + Main agents in attendance included: Valerie Ward, Jenelle Brewer, Heidi Vodrup, Devon Pfeiffer, Shaleana Stout, Carrie Elmore, Joel Lehrfeld, and Derek Plant.

To learn more about the KIDS Center and how you can contribute, please visit their website: kidscenter.org.


Greg Fischer

Chief Technology Officer and Managing Broker of West + Main Homes.