West + Main Homes Delivers Holiday Cheer at KIDS Center

West + Main Homes was proud to donate Christmas presents to KIDS Center and raise awareness to improve services and outcomes for children and families impacted by abuse.

Organized by Samantha Osborne of West + Main Homes, agents adopted two local families and donated dozens of presents on their wish lists to show support and holiday spirit.

KIDS Center provides comprehensive child abuse evaluations that include head-to-toe medical exams, child-friendly forensic interview, family advocacy, and mental health services to children and families impacted by abuse. All of their services are free to every family who needs them.


Agents at West + Main Homes have participated in the KIDS Center Giving Tree holiday fundraiser for a number of years and proudly continued the tradition in 2022.

Thank you to Samantha, our agents, and the KIDS Center staff for all of your effort!

KIDS Center serves children who have disclosed abuse or where there is a strong concern abuse has occurred. Children may be referred for any form of abuse including, but not limited to sexual, physical, emotional abuse, neglect, witness to violence, and drug endangerment. An evaluation is not required to receive advocacy or mental health services. You can learn more about their work or donate on their website: kidscenter.org


Greg Fischer

Chief Technology Officer and Managing Broker of West + Main Homes.