Even with mortgage assistance, 47% of homeowners have considered selling their home due to pandemic

Some said they worry about losing their home

Because of the pandemic, 52% of people said they are routinely concerned about making their mortgage payments and 47% said they have considered selling their home because they are unable to afford their mortgage payments, a new poll from 72Point and the National Association of Realtors revealed.

The poll also said that 35% of homeowners either skipped or missed a mortgage payment during the period from the beginning of the pandemic in March through June.

Out of those who said they were financially insecure, 35% said they were worried about losing their homes. Unexpected financial distress as a result of the pandemic was experienced by 81% of homeowners, according to the survey.

Cutting back on expenses to be able to afford their mortgage is what 56% said they had to do as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic began, 47% of homeowners said they have sought out alternative ways to make money – 64% said they started a side project and 53% said they sold personal items.

“The swift and unprecedented impact of COVID-19 left many people in a financial emergency and we want to make sure struggling homeowners know they have relief options, especially during Homeownership Month,” NAR President Vince Malta said in a statement. “Realtors and lenders can identify programs and aid designed to help meet loan obligations. Acting quickly may help homeowners stay in their homes and keep the money they have already invested into it.”

Even though there are options to help avoid a late mortgage payment, 71% said they worry they won’t qualify for any relief and 57% are skeptical about the relief options that are offered to them.

“Unfortunately, at times like these scam activity increases, so homeowners must remain vigilant and watch out for offers that sound too good to be true,” Malta said. “Realtors work tirelessly to help people achieve their dreams of homeownership and protect their investment. Our members want to do everything possible, including sharing information on available government and financial resources, to make sure homeowners can afford to stay in their homes.”

Other things homeowners said they are worried about being able to afford during the pandemic include insurance (43%); utilities (36%); food (36%); cell phone (30%); and WiFi/Internet (26%).

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